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第101课-旧约导论 (3 credit hours) 
An examination of the texts of the Old Testament from the perspective of modern biblical scholarship. 这些文献的历史、文学和神学维度将被探讨.

105 -新约导论 (3 credit hours) 
An examination of the New Testament texts from the perspective of modern biblical scholarship. The historical, literary, theological, and spiritual dimensions of this literature will be explored.

109 -部简介 (3 credit hours) 
概述教会的事工, historically and currently, and its implications for those exploring the call to serve the Church in professional roles of ministry. This course includes self-reflection and discernment; ministry field experiences; an introduction to Church documents on ministry; an overview of the 国家平信徒事工认证标准. 前提条件:教师许可.

110 -天主教信仰:神学导论 (3 credit hours) 
介绍天主教神学和信仰传统, 本课程探讨教会如何虔诚地领受, seeks to understand, 并将上帝的启示传达给人类. The course consists of an overview of both important and distinctive Catholic beliefs and practices in light of the Second Vatican Council. 前提条件:推荐使用Th 101或Th 105.

教理问答及青年事工基础 (3 credit hours) 
This introductory course in catechetics and evangelization is designed for persons responsi- ble for any of the major catechetical components of parish life, 包括圣礼的准备, RCIA, religious education, youth ministry, and adult faith formation. 主题-包括教理讲授的历史, 福传和教理讲授的性质和目的, 事奉的教理层面, faith development theory, 以及策划有效的教理讲授课程和活动的技巧和实践.

Th 219 – World Religions (3 credit hours) 
This course examines the Indian religions of Hinduism and Buddhism; the Chinese and Japanese religions of Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism; and the religions of Judaism and Islam in the Mid-East. 前提条件:推荐大二学生.

223 -灵修与圣召 (3 credit hours) 
This course will introduce students to great spiritual figures and their writings from within the western tradition. 除了以上经典之外, students will also engage contempo- rary spiritual writers as a way of developing a spirituality commensurate with any vocation or life choice. Students will be asked to craft a spiritual autobiography that integrates their life story with the expected major and career choices they currently may be discerning.

Th 241 – Catholic Liturgy (3 credit hours) 
本课程探讨天主教礼仪的历史和神学基础, 还有礼仪文件, principles, 以及塑造梵蒂冈第二次会议授权的当代改革和实践的规范. 值得注意的是,礼仪集会得到了重视, liturgical symbols, roles of ministry, 以及天主教礼拜的各种礼仪仪式. 前提条件:110或教师许可.

第302页-基督徒的婚姻与家庭 (3 credit hours) 
这门课讲的是作为圣礼的婚姻的意义, 天主教关于婚姻和家庭教育的历史, 以及婚姻的神话和现实. This course also explores practical ways to enrich marriage and foster married and family spirituality. 前提条件:推荐101或105 Th.

天主教的道德传统与当代问题 (3 credit hours) 
This course will explore Catholic moral tradition and its application to personal and social moral issues. 所讨论的具体问题将根据当代的道德意义而有所不同. Prerequisite: Th 110.

Th 304 – Pauline Epistles (3 credit hours) 
对圣. 从现代历史批判学者的角度来看保罗. The course analyzes Pauline teaching as one of the major components of ancient Christian tradition and explores its significance in the contemporary Church. 前提条件:105或大二状态.

305 -以色列人的祷告与智慧 (3 credit hours) 
本课程研究诗篇, 包括它在犹太教和基督教礼拜团体生活中的地位. It also analyzes the traditions of the sages of Ancient Israel contained in the books of Proverbs, Job, Sirach, Wisdom, and the Song of Songs. 前提条件:101或教师许可.

306 -耶稣的真福和比喻 (3 credit hours) 
对八福的研究,强调其对西方基督徒的影响. 在研究寓言形式时, 它的意义和神学, 本课程结合了形式批判, theological, 以及对寓言的文学解读. 前提条件:105或教师许可.

310 -基督教传统中的妇女 (3 credit hours) 
Examines the experience of women in the Christian Communions of the past and provides a Scriptural and theological background needed for a better understanding of the place of women in the Christian Communions and in society today. Prerequisite: Sophomore status; Th 101 or Th 105 is recommended.

第312条—天主教团体的圣事 (3 credit hours) 
从历史的角度讨论圣礼的意义, theological, and spiritual perspective, 强调他们的社群性. 特别强调洗礼和圣体圣事是教会的组成部分. 前提条件:Th 110或Th 241.

信仰与正义:福音与社会价值 (3 credit hours) 
这门课程探讨了为什么关注社会, economic, 政治公正根植于教会的福音和使命. 它提出了结构性不公正的问题和可能的替代策略. Issues such as human rights, abortion, poverty, hunger, racism, sexism, pollution, and war are studied. 前提条件:推荐105.

Th 320 – The Church (3 credit hours)
神学研究:对教会性质和使命的神学研究. The course investigates the Church from the following perspectives: its beginnings as reflected in the New Testament and early Christian literature; the history of Catholic ecclesiology; the models analysis of Avery Dulles, S.J.; and the documents of Vatican Council II. Prerequisite: Th 105.

480年,天主教教义的发展 (3 credit hours) 
本课程探讨天主教教义的发展作为一个历史, cultural, and theological process. Christian worship, 神学家的教导, 大众虔诚的奉献, creeds, and other official pronouncements of church councils and popes through the ages shape and carry this process forward. Such enculturation and doctrinal develop- ment will be analyzed in seminar fashion through the lenses of church teachings on the Trinity, Jesus, and Mary. 先决条件:110和教师的许可.

490 -基督教事工实习 (3 credit hours)
This field experience is structured to be a direct preparation for beginning professional ministry. As such, 它帮助学生达到神学反思的水平, 牧养神学的广度, 部长能力的深度, the spirit of collaboration, 以及在B级要达到的专业部门实践标准.A. level. Its goal, furthermore, is to provide a senior level integration of the basic areas of preparation for contemporary ministry. 前提条件:高级地位和讲师的许可.

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