
BS Business with Emphasis in HR Management 课程描述

Acc 201 -会计原则1 (3学时) 
An introduction to financial accounting that explains the accounting principles and procedures used to record and report economic events of a business entity. Financial accounting focuses on the preparation of accounting information for users outside the business entity.

Acc 202 -会计原则II (3学时)
A continuation of the introduction to financial accounting principles and an introduction to managerial accounting. Managerial accounting focuses on the preparation and use of ac- counting information by management. 前提条件:Acc 201.

BAd 103 – Introduction to Software 应用程序s (3学时) 
Survey of the Windows operating system and business software applications, 包括文字处理, 电子表格, 演讲, 数据库软件. Fulfills computer competency for Business or Accounting majors.

B第301条-商法 (3学时)
A basic course dealing with the history and operation of the law, 合同法, and some description of other important segments of law useful to business 学生. 先决条件: Junior status or permission.

B公元318年-商业统计 (3学时) 
Fundamental concepts and methods of statistics covering frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, 概率, 概率分布, 抽样, 估计, 统计质量控制, 定量决策, 假设检验, 相关分析, 回归分析, 非参数统计. 先决条件:第113或同等学历.

BAd 405 -管理信息系统 (3学时) 
Examination of information needs of a business and how to plan, 设计, and implement a system to meet those needs. 前提条件:高级.

B公元499年-商业政策 (3学时) 
A capstone case course with an emphasis on integrating the various functional areas of business. 随着案例的讨论, consideration is given to topics such as decision making, 战略规划, 组织理论. Prerequisites: Senior status, Fin 308, Mgt 306, and Mkt 307.

Eco 201 – Economic Concepts I (Macroeconomics) (3学时) 
An introduction to the functions of an economic system with an emphasis on income determination and government policy.

Eco 202 – Economic Concepts II (Microeconomics) (3学时) 
An introduction to the functions of an economic system with an emphasis on decision- making by individuals and firms in a market economy.

金融概念 (3学时) 
An introduction to the basic principles, concepts and analytical techniques of finance. Major topics include financial analysis and planning, 营运资金管理, 资本预算, 资金成本, 以及资金来源. Prerequisites: Acc 201; BAd 103, 311; Eco 201 and 202.

管理306 -管理概念 (3学时) 
The study of principles of management focused around a central core of planning, 组织, 导演, 控制, 和人员. 先决条件: 二年级的地位.

市场营销307 -营销概念 (3学时) 
The study of the principles of marketing around the themes of product, price, place, and promotion. 前提条件:大二.

管理学308 -组织行为学 (3学时)
This course explores the field of organizational behavior from both internal and external perspectives. Key areas include organizational processes, 变化与发展, 组织结构, 和结果. Organizational theory will be highlighted so that learning can be applied to real world settings and situations. 前提条件:管理306.

Mgt 315 Personnel/Human Resource Management (3学时)
An introduction to the management of human resources in organizations, with emphasis on the role of human resource manager. 这门课程的重点是工作设计, 员工招聘与选拔, 评估及表现, 薪酬及福利, 法律的约束, 留住人力资源, 员工的发展, 以及员工与管理层的关系. 前提条件:管理306.

管理411劳资关系 (3学时)
The study of the history of the labor movement in the United States, a survey of the legal framework involved with union/management relationships, and an understanding of the collective bargaining process. 前提条件:管理315.

Mgt 420 Seminar in Human Resource Management (3学时)
A comprehensive course in human resource management with emphasis on the implementation of the latest methods and techniques of HRM programs. It focuses on current issues and changes in the field and their implications to the organization. 前提条件:管理315.

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